(Progress as of Oct. 24, 2022)

Whenever D_D wishes to start this work again, then resources provided here will get a hot start on the project (whether it will be a task for Fundraising Operators or not).

Context for this page

One of the main tasks for Fundraising Operators in Season 1 of Developer DAO was to:

Develop a standard agreement between the DAO and projects which receive DAO funding or other resources.

KPI/Deliverable: Standard agreement drafted, shared, revised, and finalized

This project has been put on hold, here’s why:

On D_D Coordination Call on 20th of October it had been decided by the DAO Leaders that work should be paused due to lingering uncertainty surrounding this work. After talks with D_D projects’ representatives it turned out that the DAO still lacks structures that could support the process of incubating or accelerating such projects and as such creating such agreement was premature. D_D still needs to develop better support infrastructure, detail benefits and conditions that it brings and only after these things are established there should be agreement put in place.

Plan of Action & Notes

The process which had been developed and implemented regarding agreement drafting is described in the “Desired outcomes for the Steering Committee” section of each meeting notes from Steering Committee meetings. Take into consideration that initial plan of action changed after the meeting on 19th of October. Ultimately it was never finalized and few steps are left unresolved.

You can read through this plan of action on Notion pages with notes from these meetings. They are also the source of knowledge to use in order to get to know how the process was evolving and what attitudes were dominating (there are recordings of those meetings and it is highly advisable to listen through them in order to get the best understanding).

Steering Committee meeting - 21st September

Steering Committee meeting - 28th September

Steering Committee meeting - 5th October

Steering Committee meeting - 19th October

Google Doc with all notes from Steering Committee meetings:

The Steering Committee Meetings Minutes