Concepts used in this project.


make bold if partially done, checkmark if complete, strikethrough if irrelevant n.b. we will ensure that all these pieces are completed and then decide whether they will go into body of lesson, side-drawers or separate links.

newcomers checklist/contents of dev environment.

Solidity fundamentals needed for lesson 2

Gentle Introduction to the Origins of Blockchain

Command Line Interface(CLI) for Linux Mac Windows (rename all CLI references to console

More on package managers. npm vx npx (+ YARN??) - FrankieFab

install node.js and npm Linux Mac Windows what why how

what is Hardhat?

Open Zeppelin Smart Contract Concepts

Code editors (IDEs)

WTF is NFT? ERC Token Standards…More initialisms/acronyms!!

(we are not doing this in lesson2, maybe for 3??) We all know URL now we’re talking about URI

JSON part for those who create their own NFTs

Storage with IPFS/Filecoin and Arweave

Test, test, test, testnets nets why and which. Forget mainnet. My iron-clad contract on a testnet is the real reason/goal to celebrate.

Setting up your crypto wallet

Connecting to a Network via RPC

NFT hosting through OpenSea and Rarible

Quiz….everyone add ideas!!!

Type your name after if you proof read

Type your name after if you tested

Lesson 2 - Build a Basic NFT - and Solidity quiz just below

<aside> 💡 This project builds on the knowledge from Lesson 1.


<aside> 💡 Lesson Overview:


Code Editor

VS Code