<aside> 💡 This guide is for Authors of “Tracks” on Developer DAO Academy.


What is a Track

A track is multi-stage project-based course.

They’re designed to take learners from 0 to 1 on a particularly topic and end with a real-world project they can ship as part of their portfolio.

Each stage should cover a specific concept within the topic with a test at the end to ensure learners are following along. These stages should also act as building blocks to the final project they ship at the end of the course.

What is a suitable Track

Lets say you have a protocol or product you want devs to be building with.

Your Track assume they have no understanding of your product/protocol and take them on a structure journey of gaining that understanding whilst building a project along the way.

How to map lessons through a track

If you want to create a track, you don’t have to imagine it completely filled in in one sitting. It’s quite easy to create the introductory parts of the lesson, and the summarising final lesson parts as templates.