
Important considerations before running an event 🚨

Currently, VIBES IRL does not have a legal entity associated with it. This means organisers of the event need to:

  1. KYC/Sign Contracts directly with Sponsors
  2. Handle funds for the event (either directly to them or ask the sponsor to pay suppliers directly.

There is some personal liability associated with this given contracts and funds are linked to the individual so if interested in organising an event please make sure you, or someone you’re organising the event with, is comfortable with this.

How to run a VIBES IRL event?

Before doing anything, share your idea with the team

  1. If you’re interested in running a VIBES IRL event please first drop by the #irl-events channel in discord. If you don’t have it already you’ll need to grab the MBD Guild role from the 🤝-guild-select channel.
  2. In that channel @ the @vibes-irl role notify folks who’ve helped run events in the past to let them know what you’re thinking of organising.
  3. Create a thread for the conference/event you’re hosting VIBES IRL alongside in the 🎥-external-events channel. Likely other folks are going and not only would attend but are probably up for helping organise the event.

Check which existing Developer DAO partners have a presence

To help you not have to start entirely from scratch, it is worth checking what organisations D_D are attending and who D_D have an existing relationship with. Every chance if they’re already sponsoring the main event they may also be interested in partnering on a VIBES IRL event.

You may also find some of their team are already D_D members and can help with the logistics on the night.

Engaging with Venues

  1. Find out costs and timelines for when, and how, they need to receive funds for the event to go ahead. Bank transfer take time so need to know in well in advance when money needs to be sent.