<aside> ✳️ Summary Sends alerts to owners of $OHM fork tokens (KLIMA, TIME, ROME, etc.) whenever their tokens rebase.


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Project Overview

Olympus DAO has pioneered a model for crypto networks to own their liquidity, and part of the model entails compounding the yield they pay out to stakers every 8 hours or so (varies by fork). This compounding is called a ‘rebase’.

Once you stake your OHM, you’ll probably find that you are really looking forward to checking to see if it’s rebased yet and if so, how much your stake increased in value.

There are now many rebasing projects based on OHM, and those have tens of thousands of users who are all now checking in on their wallets every 8 hours to see their new balance.

Rebase Alerts is a simple project that sends emails and text messages to OHM and OHM fork holders whenever a rebase happens and tells them how much their stake is worth.

An example message looks like:

KLIMA rebased! You gained 0.006143 KLIMA.

You now have a total of 1.188571 KLIMA. Up 0.240671 from your initial balance 
of 0.947900, which is an increase of 25.39%.

If you sold it all now you'd get $811.51 That's a change of $11.59 since the 
last rebase. And a change of $(569.80) from your initial balance.

Price of KLIMA is $682.76.

I have already built the alert infrastructure for OHM, KLIMA, TIME, ROME, and GIZA. And in doing so have developed patterns to make it easy to add more. What I don’t have is a front-end for people to sign up themselves, or a desire to build one.

I’m proposing that DeveloperDAO team members build and maintain this service and develop it into a revenue-generating micro SaaS for the treasury. This is a simple project that has worked for all levels of the developer, plus marketing and project management components. When people ask how they can contribute to DeveloperDAO, an answer could be: “Go find a task to work on with Rebase Alerts”.

On top of that, the infrastructure is a great way for Web2 developers to ease into the Web3 mindset. This project sets up RPC providers to several different networks and interacts with smart contracts on each one. Developers must learn about ABIs, ethers.js, and how to call contract functions from JS.

I have purchased rebasealerts.com for use with this project.

Business Model

This is obviously up for discussion, but I envision a freemium model where the first email alert for each user is free, and then they can pay different tiered subscriptions to add extra alerts and different delivery channels like text, push notification, etc. More premium features can be added as requests come in from users.