(a john-mac production)


D_D Academy team members @piablo, @John M or @7i7o can help with the particulars of this process. Maybe a demo session, one-to-one synchronous instruction or video produced with step-by-step directions?

(WARNING: This is preliminary and essentially a spit-balling copy)😀

  1. Formulate multiple-choice with choices/short-answer prompt that assess skills learned at relevant points during the lesson

  2. Fork** the D_D Academy GitHub repo: https://github.com/Developer-DAO/academy and create a new repo branch with a name identifying either the contributor or the specific content we aim to add. ** Go to the D_D Academy repo in github (while logged in) and click on the Fork link at the top right corner.

  3. Clone your fork: git clone <https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/academy>

    Optional: Use git clone --bare <https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/academy> academy instead, which allows git worktree commands to move easily between branches as taught to us by our Jedi master Jedi master, friend and colleague @7i7o 🙏

  4. After cloning, cd into academy (if you used the optional --bare, you need an extra step: git worktree add main and then cd into main) directory. In the command line, run yarn install to install all needed packages, and later run yarn dev to start a local server. Then navigate to [localhost:3000](<http://localhost:3000>) on your browser to see the local website instance. To exit, Ctrl+C in the command line (where the server started) will kill the local server and get you back to coding.

  5. Add questions as an .mdx side drawer (ask for help from the folks mentioned above. It would be our pleasure to help!😁) It’s involved, so don’t worry about asking for help.

  6. After adding the questions content (i.e. questions followed by choices), save and restart the local server with yarn dev, check the content that you’ve added. If all looks good, stop server Ctrl+C.

  7. Run yarn build to test for errors.

  8. If all is well, create a GitHub pull request in your branch to pull your new work into the D_D Academy main branch.

  9. A reviewer will check the content, suggest through GitHub for the author to revise, then after final review, the reviewer merges the pull request into D_D main.

NOTE: Reviewers may also be content creators. For purposes of quality control, should reviewers as content creators be permitted to review their own content?