@Markkos89 and piablo were having a discussion on Friday evening 29 July on the following.

Goal: have more “space” for each “big” topic i.e. product, content and development on Thursday’s sync

In recent meetings, we have had a lot of varied subject matter at the Thursday Academy weekly sync, which often is outside the scope of ‘the building of’ Academy. The conversations can involve a lot of deliberation, and sometimes we are even opening deliberations on these new issues.

Since everything we are doing for Academy is important, is it an idea that we give justice to all these subjects, by having two meetings per week? One opt-in meeting, the other as the official sync. And have the following workflow:

Monday, the bot, as it currently does, or previous Friday, sends a message [weekly async standup thread ] e.g. https://discord.com/channels/883478451850473483/954866642200969286/1133005792174424185 to #academy-general, also with a CTA to grab a weekly sync agenda template which folks can fill in as needed as we currently do. We can update the template accordingly.

Tuesday, or time TBD, we have an opt-in meeting which we can use as a more exploratory session, and/or discuss ideas that are more outward facing than the ‘actual building of the Academy platform itself, e.g. partnerships and the implications thereof, creating a draft for how to do rewards, what are pedagogical expectations from partners, etc. So we basically have a few human nodes to start to connect these ideas.

Thursday remains the official Academy weekly sync day, where everyone is hopefully present, and where we discuss product, content and development in the original way we had envisioned for this sync.

We can also use the Thursday sync to give updates / more deliberated-upon/formulated versions of the Tuesday conversations. We can still leave a short time slot for Thursday folks/nodes to give more input on these conversations and then continue with them asynchronously as we do anyway**.** We can at least build up really good layered ideation on these topics in this way, where everyone gets to input synchronously, and efficiently (a la “world cafe”)

This would make Thursday a lot easier to onboard any newcomers. They can get to hear everything that’s going on without getting to lost in the conversation. We can also formulate and delegate tasks clearly and make sure that everyone feels like they can leave the meeting knowing they can make a contribution.