Initial open conversation on D_D server

πŸ‘‡πŸΎFor Vansh (not on D_D server):

*billyjitsu*October 13, 2023 7:54 PM (GMT+2)October 13, 2023 7:54 PM (GMT+2)

Hey All, here is the rough layout of the track: `Table of contents

Introduction β€’ The Oracle Problem  Solving the API connectivity problem β€’ APIs cannot be directly accessed by the blockchain β€’ Push and pull oracles β€’ API3 Services o Airnode  Tool to bring offchain APIs onchain (Request Response - Pull) o QRNG  Tool to bring true random numbers onchain (Pull Oracle) o dAPIs  Price Feeds on chain (Push Oracle)

β€’ Airnode – 90 minutes o How it works o Requirements o Configuration of API o Deployments o Quiz

β€’ QRNG – 90 minutes o How it works o Requirements o Configuration o Deployments o Request a random number/s o Quiz

β€’ dAPIs – 45 minutes o How it works o Requirements o Configuration o Deployments o Get a price feed o Quiz

Final Quiz (12 questions – Deployment challenge)`

*piablo | utc+1*October 14, 2023 12:24 AM (GMT+2)October 14, 2023 12:24 AM (GMT+2)

Hey @billyjitsu , Looks like a really super solid, well-signposted and memorable structure - the repetition aspect looks amazing for building up muscle memory, and a perfect amount of repetition too!! With a separate intro for each lesson chunk, and then the chunk itself, and then three separate ones. Super build up and then the delivery of each!!

*piablo | utc+1*October 14, 2023 12:36 AM (GMT+2)October 14, 2023 12:36 AM (GMT+2)

If I could make a couple of suggestions and some food for thought:

it is really nice in the intro, early on to have a warm up quiz. I don't know your content, but I guess after The Oracle Problem? Just get a four or five questions in there and test for previous 'general' knowledge, i.e. not detailed info, on the stuff you're going to teach. You're just reminding them of the building blocks they already have, and you're going to build on top of them.

And a couple of prediction questions - really straightforward e.g. we're going to be teaching you/talking to you about on and off chain APIs, do you think we'll be configuring them to do a) b) c) or d)?


*piablo | utc+1*October 14, 2023 12:52 AM (GMT+2)October 14, 2023 12:52 AM (GMT+2)

And re: the Airnode and QRNG chunks. They're each 90 mins long - that's two quite long lesson sessions of 45 minutes each. We're promoting healthy learning including the pomodoro timer.

Once again, I don't know the actual content, and how much content is in each sub-section (requirements, configs, deployments, etc) and where a natural break would be.You could really break those main chunks into a couple of sub-sections e.g.after Requirements and have a mini-quiz after that. And then the second mini-quiz where you have already indicated it.

Hint: for these mini-quizzes, use specific/detailed information questions - really specific to details you just addressed in that sub-section/sub-chunk. After you've hit them with the first mini-quiz, they'll be thinking, "shit, I can't afford to skim over this stuff, these folks really expect me to keep my brain in sharp order", and they knuckle down and feel challenged, and it's a healthy challenged.

And for the last dAPIs chunk you might want to get a bridge between that and your final quiz. An idea that I've been using is e.g. have your mini-quiz after Deployments and then begin your final quiz with a couple of specific/detailed information questions on Get a price feed and then continue with your final quiz.