<aside> ✨ This program is open to everyone! The prizes are designed to give you the maximum chance of winning. Plus, the first-place prize winners secure a place as with funding to continue creating educational content for the following 3 months.


In case you missed our announcement, we’ve partnered with Aptos to bring education and opportunity to the community for building on Aptos with Move.

To kick things off, we’re hosting a two-part workshop series and bounty competition to promote building with the Move programming language on Aptos!

Winners of the bounty competition will also receive up to $3,000 funding each over 3 months to continue creating content for the move and Aptos ecosystem for 3 months.

Now, if that’s not exciting, we don’t know what is…

📽️ Workshops

Movin’ On Aptos writing comp includes two workshops to help get you up to speed with Move and Aptos 🔥

Getting Started with Move on Aptos · Luma

Building a Dapp with Move on Aptos · Luma

✨ Movin’ on Aptos Competition Details

🔎 Overview

The Movin’ on Aptos competition will run for 7 days and be fully remote.

Start Date Monday 15th July
Duration 7 days (Fully remote)
Submission Deadline Monday 22nd July @ 11:59pm UTC
Judges Aptos Team
Submission Form https://devdao.to/movin-on-aptos-submissions

🎁 Prizes

Our prize pools are designed to maximise your chance of winning a bounty.

Remember, our two first-place winners also secured three months of funding ($3k each) to continue writing awesome content on Aptos.

🏆 Winners

Our judges chose the best overall submission.