<aside> 📦 A strategy for managing code for multiple projects in a single repository.


What’s a monorepo?

Why a monorepo?

Single-package repositories

Traditionally, a repository has served as a home for everything related to a single code project: the code, configuration files, assets, etc. that make up that project.

A repostory for a package published to

A repostory for a package published to npm

A repository’s output is typically deployed (in the case of an app) or published to a package manager like npm (in the case of a library, like react or lodash).

To read the project’s code, report a bug, request a feature, or make changes to the code, a user interacts with the project’s repository.

Interacting with a repository

Interacting with a repository

This setup works great for a single, self-contained project! But what do we do if we also want to deploy a documentation site for the project or split a package into two related packages?

More repositories!


This setup works great for keeping each repository single-purpose, but if you think about your deployables and publishables as an ecosystem, it gets quite messy!

User input to multiple repositories

User input to multiple repositories

Monorepo as ecosystem coordination

How do I build a monorepo?