School of Code was born out of the D_D Education Team which itself was formed by a small group, most of us at a nascent stage of our development journey, and we wanted to hold each other accountable for the study we were doing (or planning to do). We set up a web2 track and a web3 of resources that we could find online to facilitate this.

From there, this group actually analysed the state of things in the web3 education space and identified quite a few missing parts, a few holes and also erroneous strategies in how education in the space is presented. So we came up with the concept which is now the SoC, which addresses ‘a lot’ of those problems and comes with concrete solutions for tightly closing all those gaps.

So what we are going to do in the upcoming show with VickJoe, we’re going to introduce to the team, to our beginnings, where SoC is at at the moment and what it’s going to look like a couple of months time. We’ll also talk about the end users that we intend to engage with, and we will affirm how education, first and foremost, should be free and therefore how education is a public good.

So this is what we are aiming for, we want to make sure that anyone around the world has access to SoC and they don’t need to have a budget at all, other than have a device to learn on. That’s what SoC is all about, that’s where our ethos is, we’re for providing free education and we just hope that as many people around the world do have a device to actually learn to code on.

Collaboration with Web3 Afrika - yes Radius/Tephra Gitcoin Grants Kudos - Yes