Developer DAO's snapshot space is where you can find all the proposals that community members have suggested. These proposals are usually debated in Developer DAO's discord and Discourse forum pages before being tabled for a vote.
In general, there are only 3 things you can do in Snapshot
We'll explain each in detail.
It's fairly easy to read a proposal, simply clicking on one will get you to the right page.
Proposal content can be shared easily using the "Share" button. A good Snapshot proposal links to all relevant content and gives contributors a clear idea of what the pros and cons are of making decisions
In the information tab, the author, voting system, and voting dates are specified. When the voting date has passed, the results of the proposal's vote is also ratified.
Sometimes, proposals might have a POAP (proof-of-attendance-protocol) as a small token of appreciation. These POAPs are simply an NFT existing on the xDAI chain that are usually given out during events or activities.
If you have the right tokens, you will be able to cast your vote. To do so, click on your choice and then click "Vote".