Parcel is an application to manage payments and consolidate financial reporting for DAOs

How does it work?

Parcel is a wrapper on top of Gnosis, the ecosystem's most trusted on-chain multi-sig.

It provides a much easier-to-use UI and many extra features that make managing a multi-sig far easier for individuals and the DAO as a whole.

Parcel maintains excellent documentation for understanding how to use the tool here.

See the “Guides for Users” section below for specific directions for D_D.

How do we use Parcel @ Developer DAO?

Every budgeted Guild and Project has its own multi-sig where their $CODE budget is sent for the teams to manage and distribute to contributors how they see fit.

Guide for users

Guild & Project Teams

How to import a Guild/Project Safe into Parcel

How to request $CODE Budgets in Parcel

How to send Mass or CSV Payouts [WIP]

How to use Coordinape with Parcel [WIP]

How to send DeWork Bounties in Parcel [WIP]

How to get email notifications from Parcel

Stewards and DAO Treasury Signers