Permissions on DeWork Project boards by default are locked to people holding the corresponding Guild or Project Discord role. Therefore, only people who hold specific guild/project roles will be able to claim tasks on the guild/project’s respective DeWork boards.

If this isn't you, no sweat, DeWork is still your friend 🫂.

Guilds/Projects are encouraged to maintain tasks with specific skills (such as writing, design dev etc.) and tags (such as good-first-issue). These allow us to create filtered views of tasks across the entire DAO so folks can discover opportunities to contribute.

Find tasks

  1. Select ‘Combined Bored” in the DeWork Sidebar, this takes you to a page where you can view open tasks based on skill

Screenshot 2022-09-04 at 23.44.00.png

  1. Select the relevant Tab for your skills set i.e. “Open Dev Tasks” to see a view of all open tasks marked the relevant Skill.

  2. If a task is available to you, you’ll see a button on the far right (see image above) to either “Claim” or “Apply” for it.

  3. If you prefer to browse the various Boards for available relevant tasks, when viewing tasks you’ll see a “Claim” or “I’m interested” button.

  4. In all instances, if you click on the Task you will get an expanded view of that task which should have more information about it to help you make a decisions before “Claiming” or “Applying”.

Apply for tasks

If you’re able to “Claim” as a tasks it will be immediately assigned to you.