Discord: #choose-a-text-channel, #!choose-a-voice-channel

Sesh: <#text-channel-id>, <#voice-channel-id>

Open your Developer Mode and obtain the channel id

Click ⚙️ in the left corner of your discord page.


Hit Advanced in the slide bar and enable your developer mode


Now, you’ve open the developer mode, Let’s extract a channel id

Right click the channel, Copy ID — A string of numbers


Mention a Text/Voice Channel in Discord

With the help of Discord application, it’s a piece of cake to mention a text channel. Just type # and Discord will show all channels you can mention except voice channels.

截屏2022-05-20 13.55.36.png

Similarly, use #! to mention a voice channel you want!

Mention a Text/Voice Channel in Sesh Bot

Sesh bot does not support the above hints. You need to indicate the channel by yourself

Format: <#Text/Voice-Channel-ID>
