what assumptions of the learner’s knowledge are we making? (we suggest to them to start with lesson 1 as a prerequisite)

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final quiz (to compare questions from checkpoints in a split screen)

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Warm up questions - previous knowledge check

  1. What does ERC stand for in the context of Ethereum tokens?
    1. Ethereum Request for Comments
  2. Which Ethereum token standard is commonly used for creating non-fungible tokens on the Ethereum blockchain?
    1. ERC-721
  3. What are some common use cases for creating ERC-20 tokens?
    1. all of the above ⇒Supporting a project; Governance for DAOs; Learning and experimentation
  4. Which library is often used to create ERC-20 tokens easily?
    1. OpenZeppelin
  5. ETH, the native token of Ethereum is an ERC-20 token.
    1. False