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Learn Build Ship
ID TOPIC GUIDE Monday Tuesday Friday
1 🕸 Web3 101 Nader? What is a blockchain? Learn about the basics of a blockchain, Layer 1 vs. Layer 2 Create a blog post about what you learned
2 ✨ Technical web3 content K Creating technical content that engages, excites, and informs (+ thumbnail 101) Write your first technical blog post on a framework of your choice Publish your blog on Hashnode, mirror.xyz, DEV.to, or your favorite blog-writing platform
3 💳 Wallets Vanes? What is a wallet Create a SIWE dapp with WalletConnect Create a blog post about what you built
4 📜 Smart Contracts Brian? Learn about smart contracts, code is law, and how they work Use Remix and Truffle to deploy 2 smart contracts.
(instead of truffle, try hardhat or foundry) Create a blog post about what you built
5 ⚙️ RPC Krinza? NFTs 101 Use ankr to deploy an nft contract to Polygon