This page outlines the responsibilities of the DevNTell Coordinator role.

Acting Coordinator: @Narbeh Shahnazarian

Payout: (1000 USD/month)

→ 250 USD per episode

→ In the event an episode is not aired (i.e last minute cancelation) the Coordinator will not be paid for that week. For example, if in a given month three out of four DevNTell’s take place, the Coordinator will only be paid for the three episodes (750 USD)

The DevNTell Coordinator is responsible for ensuring all deliverables part of the “DevNTell” series are completed on a weekly basis which include the following:


  1. Booking & confirmations: The DevNTell Coordinator is responsible for coordinating booked sessions found on the official documentation which involves: connecting with the guest two weeks prior to their session to confirm their intent on presenting, confirming the time of the session one week prior and working (to the best of their ability) fill in any possible gap in the schedule resulting from unforeseen circumstances (i.e in the event of a cancelation).
  2. Event Creation: The DevNTell Coordinator is responsible for creating an official event on the Streamyard (live-streaming on YouTube) and luma (gathering guests) platforms in addition to sending out a calendar invite via email to the presenting party. DevNTell sessions are to be booked for a single 30 minute slot only on Fridays (1 event a week) with no exceptions. Event creation also requires the creating of unique banners for marketing, Kudos (via MintKudos) for the speaker(s) and POAPs to be created for guests. The corresponding assets can be found and edited here
  3. Hosting and recording: The DevNTell Coordinator is responsible for acting as host during the actual session. Being host involves reading the official DevNTell description (found in the official documentation) during the start and guiding the presenter through their session (introducing guest, gathering questions from the crowd, asking your own questions and moderating time). Upon completion of the session the host will share the Kudos mint link with the speaker and the POAP links (at this moment shared via google sheets) with the guests.
  4. Social Marketing: The DevNTell Coordinator is responsible for gathering 2-3 sentence introduction about the presenter 1 week in advance to be used through promote the presenter through social media and/or accompanying blog post. The Coordinator is responsible for using the official DevNTell and Developer DAO social accounts to promote the event the week of and corresponding outputs (YouTube video and Blog).
  5. Blog posts: The DevNTell Coordinator is responsible for creating a blog post on the Developer DAO hashnode blog that summarizes the outputs of the DevNTell for that given week. The blog post is to be shared through the DevNTell twitter account sometime during the weekend (typically on Sundays).
  6. Ad reads: Upon request, the host will be responsible for reading an ad for a Developer DAO sponsor during the live session and adding it as content in the corresponding blog post if it is included in their package. The content of the ad read must be provided by the partnerships team in advance of the DevNTell presentation for it to be read live; however, for circumstances where that is not possible, the ad-read can be edited into the YouTube post in a reasonable follow up time frame (1-2 day turnaround time).
  7. Communicating output to applicable initiative leads: At the end of the week, the output of DevNTell will be shared with the necessary initiative leads who request that content. At this moment of time the only initiative that requires the DevNTell content (YouTube link and blog post) is the newsletter team who request for this information weekly through the Developer DAO server via weekly threads.