

@with-heart: What is onboarding?

ricetuna: how does the dev-guild onboarding relate to the DAO onboarding?

with-heart: the general #onboarding hasn’t actually been that active, and the #dev-guild onboarding is a way to get something done at a smaller scale

Proposal: create an ‘onboarding’ page / get involved page. It exists already, needs to be fleshed out -

a good starting point: turn this list into its own page (see action items)

with-heart: suggests that having a set of “onboarding specialists” who reach out to people introducing themselves might be helpful

aperson93: “it can be difficult to get involved” - highlights the importance of having someone reach out and take the initiative

with-heart: a small task could be to start reaching out to people who introduced themselves in the past week and informally onboard/get to know them

ricetuna: for onboarding to succeed we could find ‘champions’ or ‘mentors’ for the various projects, along with what they need, and try to funnel new joiners to appropriate projects, and introduce them to the mentors within these projects

with-heart: we should meet once a week

Action items