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improve SEO: titles and descriptions for NFT track lessons · Issue #205 · Developer-DAO/academy

Academy SEO Audit


Issue Solution
All 21 page titles are the same Custom titles for each page that target keywords specific to the individual page and be longer than 30 characters
None of the 21 pages has a meta description. Custom descriptions needed for everyone page that target keywords specific to that page
Only the home has a meta image that is being duplicated across all other pages Custom meta image needed for every page (can be done programmatically via Vercel og image)
Pages are not following semantic HTML Structure - most don’t have an H1 (Page title) or H2 (Page categories) elements Also, pages need a H1 that is the same as the page meta title (above).

Each page/content section should have a H2 that describes what that section is about. | | Low Content Pages (i.e. Home Page, Getting Started, Docs) have very little content on them. | 1. Design more content-rich pages 2. Remove any coming soon pages | | The connical meta tag missing on all pages | Add canonical meta tag for each page | | URL: Underscores | Do not use underscores in urls |

URL/Site Architecture


Issue Solution
Getting Starter and Tracks pages are essentially the same We have a lot of duplication content across these pages, which doesn’t make any sense to a search engine and maybe confusing for the user - what is the difference between pages?

Can this pages be changed/removed /updated/replaced? | | The navigation bar you selection “Tracks” and it takes you to the /lessons url | Navigation should match URL structures exactly. | | Having all the lessons across all topics on one url means we loose the opportunity for a better UX (i.e grouping the soldiity course at /learn-solidity is a better experience than scrolling through a big page of lessons to find the solidity ones. This also means we loose the opportunity to rank for the search term “Learn solidity” which is much better: a) from a UX perspective, b) and SEO perspective | We should think about restructuring these pages around grouping topics we’re teaching.

Ideally, we want second-level pages that are built around a grouping of content and associated keywords i.e. /learn-solidity

These should be as high up the url structure as possible i.e. they shouldn’t be /tracks/learn-solidity

It is fine also to have a landing page for /courses / /tracks or whatever naming convention that is a landing which links to the academy.developerdao.com/learn-solidity |



Create a resubable SEO Component

important into every page and pull in metadat from mdx page and autopopulate meta datage

Create programatic meta images

Use something like vercel og image to create meta images from HTML using the meta data from the MDX pages

Ensure all pages follow semantic HTML


Page URL Primary Secondary
Home / Learn Web3 Solidity, Ethereum, Blockchain,

Site Architecture & Landing pages for keywords