Title: Developer DAO Season 0

Authors: kempsterrrr

Created Date: November 7, 2021


Our community has grown fast.

We’re now counting ~2900 genesis NFT holders (4600+ minted) and > 1700 passionate builders have joined the DAO discord server.

This includes multiple Protocol Foundation team members, Web3 Founders, major open-source project maintainers, Web2 community leaders, and many more other talented and passionate people excited by learning about, and building on, Web3.

Teams have formed around projects, individuals have launched something like 10 different tools for the community and the support we’re giving each other, re: learning and collaboration, is invaluable.

We’re already in discussions regarding collaborations and potential treasury allocations with a few other DAOs and organizations, including Gitcoin and a new DAO being formed by the founders of Decrypt, among others.

It’s exciting and the potential is obvious to see, but how do we move forward from here?

This proposal provides full scope for the idea of Seasons, establishing our initial DAO Structure and provides guidelines for Governance.

Developer DAO Season 0

What is a Season?

A discrete period of time for DAO members to come together to align on projects and initiatives that help us deliver on our mission, values, and goals.

Objectives for each future Season must be defined up front (process TBD) and, prior to ending a Season, a retrospective must be carried out to ensure we can learn and improve (process TBD).

Details for Developer DAO Season 0

The Developer DAO Season 0 vote will be done using Snapshot with each Ethereum wallet that holds any number of DEVS tokens receiving one vote. Season 0 will start on the passing of this Snapshot vote by majority and last for two months with the option to extend for one further month via another Snapshot vote.

Objectives for Season 0